Why You Should Study Abroad: A New Perspective

Experience a new world, learn a new language, gain a new perspective: these are a few of many reasons why a student might choose to study abroad.

The idea of studying abroad is enticing to many college students, but there might be concerns that arise with this idea. These concerns could be money, time, and if the experience would be worth it. With that being said, I’m here to tell you why even with the concerns, you should consider spending time abroad.

Cultural Understanding

There is no way to really understand other cultures unless you immerse yourself in them. Studying abroad offers you the opportunity to have a completely new experience in a new place. This kind of perspective could change your life and how you view the world, and can allow you to better understand the cultural viewpoints of others.

Learning a Language

Learning a new language could be a huge advantage to studying abroad. Being bilingual is a highly sought after skill in the work force. It could give you an advantage with potential new employers no matter what your field of study is.

I plan on going to Costa Rica to study Spanish, and hopefully through my trip I will become fluent enough to be able to teach high school students. Learning a new language is a great way to beef up your résumé and is a valuable lifelong skill.

An Experience a Classroom Can't Provide

It’s no secret that you can only learn so much in a classroom. Though I have had nothing but wonderful experiences and have learned a lot about language and culture in my Spanish classes, immersing yourself in a new culture is something that can’t be replicated in a classroom.

Your experience will teach you about the world, but it will also teach you about yourself. This is something that is unique to every student and every experience, and something that you will carry with you forever.

Making Your Degree More Valuable

Taking classes abroad can actually make your degree more valuable. There are classes abroad that you can’t take here, and having that experience puts more value behind that piece of paper. Not only will you have a degree, but you’ll have your own story and adventure along with it.

Through my study abroad trip, I hope to not only become fluent in another language but to have an experience that changes my view of the world. I hope to have something that no one else has and carry my adventure with me through my future endeavors. I hope to be a stronger, more capable college graduate because of it, and eventually share my experience with those around me. Stay tuned for more on how my study abroad trip changes my world!

Taylor Hunter will be updating us with her experience studying abroad in Costa Rica this semester! Read the rest of the articles in the series: